Shreans Daga

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A successful entrepreneur and a spiritual enthusiast, Shreans Daga, Spiritual Teacher & Transformation Coach strikes the right balance between spirituality, running a thriving business empire and enjoying an active social life with family and friends. Shreans believes in celebrating life and embracing every aspect of it.

Shreans attributes his vast knowledge of Spirituality, Quantum Physics, Epigenetics, Neuroscience, Quantum Living, Breathwork, Transgenerational Healing, Life Between Lives Regression Therapy and Manifestation to the hundreds of Global Spiritual Masters he has had the privilege to learn from. His extensive research on these subjects and daily practice has led to many life-transforming miracles in his personal and professional life.

Apart from being a Founder of the Shreans Daga Foundation, Shreans is also the Chairman of Pyramid Valley International, a not-for-profit spiritual organisation in Bangalore, serving individuals, societies and organisations in their quest for self-realization. Being a part of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), and an EO Certified Speaker, Shreans has also been sharing his knowledge and experience with talented entrepreneurs, thought leaders, visionaries and subject matter experts from around the world. Shreans has shared the stage with renowned speakers and Spiritual Masters including Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Jim Kwik and Jack Canfield.   

The Transcendental Breathwork (TBW) ceremony is an exhilarating and therapeutic journey within yourself that promises to introduce you to your fullest potential and transform your life forever!

Transcendental Breathwork uses the wondrous power of your breath, combined with powerful curated shamanic music. Guided instructions then arouse all your senses and awaken every part of your being. This new exuberant gateway drug to meditation is a practice in which you consciously manipulate your breath to the rhythm of the music, while focussing on a desired outcome. 


श्रेयांस डागा फाउंडेशन के निर्देशित ध्यान में भाग लें और अपने जीवन को सुख, शांति व सफलता से परिपूर्ण करें। नियमित रूप से ध्यान का अभ्यास करने से आपके कंपन उच्चतर होते है और अंतर्निहित क्षमता उजागर होती है। बाह्य परिस्थितियाँ चाहे कैसी भी हो, ध्यान का अभ्यास, आपको जीवन का प्रत्येक दिन पूरे आनंद व उत्साह से जीने के लिए सशक्त करता है।
(सभी निर्देशित ध्यान हिंदी में हैं।)

Meditate your way to peace, joy, success and a fulfilling life with Shreans Daga Foundation’s Guided Meditations. A regular practice of meditation raises your vibrational frequency, helps unleash your inner potential and empowers you to live life to the fullest, regardless of outside circumstances.
(All the Guided Meditations are in English.) 

Weekly Workshops

Transcendental Breathwork

Transcendental Breathwork

Every Saturday 5 pm to 7 pm (IST)


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Sleep Meditations

Sleep Meditations

Every Wednesday 10 pm to 11 pm (IST)


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Morning Meditations

Morning Meditations

Every Monday 6:30 am to 7:45 am (IST)


Password: 2024



